About Us

Vaunshdhara Fertility Centre has been serving patients in the Nagpur & Central India since 1991. Our Fertility Clinic is made up of highly skilled medical professionals who deeply value your health and wellbeing. We take great pride in providing our community with high quality, patient-centric care and health education. Proactive and preventative measures help keep our community healthier, and we work with that idea in mind. VFC has the fertility, maternity, endoscopy services all undergone roof.

Turning Patience Into Parenthood vfcivf.in is the leading Fertility Clinic in Nagpur — and we’ve been managing our patients’ health since 1991. We offer proactive, quality healthcare in a safe and comfortable environment. At vfcivf.com, your health is our number one priority, and we make sure to meet all your needs in a timely manner.

Vaunshdhara…. The journey

Vaunshdhara Fertility Centre was established by the pioneers and visionary couple Late Dr Meena Chimote and Dr Natachandra Chimote on 5th of November 1992 with the aim of helping the Infertile couples to conceive. It was the first centre of Central India and has many laurels to its name right like

  • First centre of Central India and Central India
  • Delivered first Test tube baby of Central India
  • Delivered First Blastocyst baby of Central India
  • Delivered the first ICSI baby of Central India
  • Delivered First TESA ICSI Baby of Central India
  • Delivered First PGS/PGD baby of India.
  • Institute has represented India for 14 consecutive years in the apex body of infertility ( ESHRE) and given more than 70 original research papers

Infertility as a subject was considered a taboo for a very long time and we at the beginning of our practice faced the same situation. Patients would park their vehicles almost half a kilometre away so that they are not identified entering a fertility centre. Such was the ignorance in the society that any patient conceiving through IVF or test tube baby was demonized and considered unnatural. But with awareness programmes and through newspaper articles Dr Chimotes created an awareness in the society which would cause the troubled and tormented patients to visit a doctor for a treatment of a condition as similar to any other common ailment.

It was a tough battle to convince the society but eventually with media as well as social media there is acceptance of the fact that infertility is a medical condition which should be treated as soon as possible. With the advancement in technology this treatment modality has expanded by leaps and bound and hence can cater to many major problems earlier deemed untreatable or unmanageable.

Another evil of the society that was prevalent I the earlier days was that infertility was the fault of the lady only. It was a big burden on the females to bear and have caused many tragic outcomes right from divorces to suicides. With the development in diagnostic and investigation the precise cause of infertility can be determined and systematically treated. The global rate of infertility is around 10 – 12 % that means at any given time around the world there are 72 crore patients and in India 13.5 crore patients that is higher than the total number of heart patient in the country. With such a big prevalence there is still lack of awareness regarding this condition hence there is a need of acceptance of the fact that infertility is an medical condition and it requires treatment as soon as possible.

Taking in to consideration all the evils of infertility in the society back in 1992, Dr Chimotes took a brave and bold step to cater to this neglected and tabooed group of patients and started their hospital which they named Vaunshdhara meaning Propogation of the lineage. “A ray Of Hope For Infertile Couples”became their motto in their endeavour,with this motto and technology to aid them Dr Chimote marched forward and faced this problem head on overcoming this hurdle on 6th of September 1996 on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi ,a baby Boy was delivered at Vaunshdhara which was the first test tube baby of Central India  paving the path for others to pursue this field of medicine. By the year 2000 more than 25 babies were delivered by IVF or test tube bay technique.

In the same year 2000,  Vaunshdhara produced the first Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection ( ICSI) as well as ( Testicular Sperm Aspiration) TESA ICSI  Blastocyst  baby of Central India and brought this technology to fruition to aid in elevating the pregnancy rate in infertility.

By the year 2003 more than 50 babies with blastocyst were delivered at Vaunshdhara which highlighter Nagpur on the national map. Many patients from nearby states travelled to Nagpur for availing this treatment. This showed a chance in perception of the patient to seek treatment for their problems.

Another feather in the cap for Vaunshdhara was added by Embryologist Nishad Chimote, by performing the First Blastocyst Biopsy for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis ( PGT) in Central India which produced the country’s First Baby by this technique. He was the youngest Embryologist of the country at that time to do so and has been instrumental in bringing state of the art Technology at Vaunshdhara.

By 2017 Dr Amogh Chimote joined team Vaunshdhara as Gynaecologic Endoscopy surgeon specializing in fertility enhancing Surgeries and Dr Riju Angik Chimote Joined as an IVF specialist and Consultant Gynaecologist which further strengthened Vaunshdhara Fertility centre.

With 2020 coming with the horrible and devastating pandemic due to COVID 19 there was a big dilemma in the minds of the patients regarding seeking treatment in the times of this pandemic. With regular updates from national and international societies and adapting all the latest guidelines Vaunshdhara was one of the first centres to resume the fertility services in the city taking all precaution mentioned by the government as well as the health bodies. With the strong morale and the Motto “A Ray of Hope for infertile couples” Vaunshdhara marches on to provide it service to the society for 28 years now.